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Bitcoin Satoshi exchange rate USD

By 02/01/2023February 6th, 2023Frequently asked questions
Bitcoin Satoshi Rate to USD

Live Bitcoin exchange rate

View the current Bitcoin exchange rate here. Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency.

How much is 1 Satoshi worth in Dollars?

On this page you can see the live Satoshi exchange rate expressed in USD. Use the Bitcoin Satoshi rate converter to see how much a satoshi is worth in different currencies.

Satoshi rate to USD conversion

Below is a simple conversion tool to convert Satoshis (0.00000001 Bitcoins) to USD. The value is updated live if you enter a Satoshis’ value. You can click the “Refresh” button at any time to see an updated value.

Satoshi =>

=> Satoshi

Below is an overview of the relationship of from Satoshi to Bitcoin

1 Satoshi = 0,00000001 ฿
10 Satoshi = 0,00000010 ฿
100 Satoshi = 0,00000100 ฿
1.000 Satoshi = 0,00001000 ฿
10.000 Satoshi = 0,00010000 ฿
100.000 Satoshi = 0,00100000 ฿
1.000.000 Satoshi = 0,01000000 ฿
10.000.000 Satoshi = 0,10000000 ฿
100.000.000 Satoshi = 1,00000000 ฿